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A+ for the iBlue 747 A+

I received an iBlue 747 A+ sample today form Transystem. After unpacking I put it to the test.

I wanted to try the connection to BT747 as fast as possible, so I connected the device to my PC and tried to connect to the usual port. No success. I open the Configuration panel to go to the System control and to check the Hardware drivers. Nothing there either.
When switching on the iBlue747A+, windows detected a new device being connected to the computer. The previous version was detected even without switching the device on, but not so for the new device.

BT747 on iPhone - Getting Closer

The different iPhones do not have an official Java Virtual Machine (yet), but alternative solutions seem to become quite viable.

The most promising solution for BT747 is 'xmlvm' - a toolchain that translates Java (and some other languages) to an intermediate language 'xmlvm' - an xml description of the program. That description can then be translated to 'Objective C' - the language used for iPhone programming. Important parts of the iPhone library have been given a Java alternative which means the program with the iPhone look on a standard Java Virtual Machine (J2SE).

I've started setting up a project for that ( More background is in the forums (
However, a volunteer is needed to do the real development. So if you feel like it, let me know.

Qstarz BT-Q1200 - New 'NMEA' messages.

It looks like Qstarz added new messages to their NMEA protocol to provide the log fields that are not otherwise available in the NMEA protocol.

mdeweerd's picture

AGPS in J2ME and Direct Upload to OSM

Given the feedback in the poll, I've given more priority to providing the AGPS upload functionality in J2ME and now I implemented a 'not yet gui friendly' version of direct upload to Open Street Map.

The AGPS upload (and download of the data from the web) should work, but I can't test it using a real internet connection (on the phone) and a real AGPS capable device, so any feedback of success or failure is welcome). You should use the latest version 0.3.XXX).

AGPS Upload available (for testing)

AGPS upload can now be tried by the greater public starting from versions BT747_2.X.1387 (Desktop) and BT_J2ME_0_2_97.

You'll need to have the AGPS data (a file with .EPO extension) available on your system OR get a hold of the URL to fetch the data from (login + password + site & path). Despite two requests for authorisation sent to transystem, I did not get a reply back. Getting a hold of this information is 'as simple' as looking in the log of a decent firewall, or googling around with the right keywords.

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