
Company selling GPS devices.

Kompatible GPS-Geräte

Hier ist eine Liste von Geräten mit denen BT747 arbeitet. Im allgemeinen unterstützt BT747 Geräte mit MTK/MTK II-Chipsatz.

[SOLVED] BT-Q1300S (Qstarz Sports Recorder) on ubuntu

Dear All,

I've just bought a Qstarz BT-Q1300S, and I would be the happiest man in world if I could configure it (at least, get data) from my ubuntu. I've seen the Qstarz BT-Q1300 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) post, but I must acknowledge I'm not good enough in kernel compiling to perform this kind of tuning.

Have some of you already managed to use a Qstarz BT-Q1300S with BT747 on ubuntu ?

Bild von mkent

Howto: Qstarz BT-Q1000XT on OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

After some struggles I've gotten my Qstarz BT-Q1000X working on OS X Mountain Lion over USB. Here's what I did: 

1) Install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers from


2) Reboot

3) Using Safari, install the latest desktop development version of BT747


BT-Q1000X quirks

It looks like Qstarz is going a similar way as Holux is: limiting device functionality for user friendlyness. This is not to the likings of some users of course, but to warn those, here is a list of limitations.  If you find any other, or some incorrect statement, leave a comment.

  1. Time logging can not be set to 5Hz.  When setting logging to 0.2 seconds, logging is set to 5 seconds.  (This is what is reported, but I'ld like to see it confirmed by transaction logs).  The Fix Period has to be set to 200ms if this is meant to work anyway.
  2. 5Hz logging can still be achieved by setting the fix period to 200ms and the speed condition to a minimum value like 1 km/h.  The distance condition possibly also works here.
  3. Logging can not really be turned on/off by SW.  The 'nav/log/off' button of the logger is the master of this.  Technically, the device does respond correctly to instructions from the SW (BT747) to turn logging on and off, but the firmware checks/sets that value to the one that corresponds to the button position.  In nav mode, logging is set to off, and in log mode, logging is set to on.

That seems to be it, but as said, you can add comments to this post.

Bild von ozchris

QStarz BT-Q2000 and Gosget S2

Does this software support either of these two BT GPS loggers, should it work?

QStarz BT-Q2000 - http://www.qstarz.com/Products/GPS%20Products/BT-Q2000-F.htm


MainNav MG-950dm - http://www.mainnav.com/product/md-950dm.htm

Not sure what GPS chip set the QStarz unit uses, but I think the MainNav unit has the Mstar MSB 2212 chip set.

I actually have the Gosget-S2 http://www.gosget.com/en_show.asp?id=99 which seems to be exactly the same as the MainNav device.

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