Android TB747

Bild von altauber

BT747 functions on Android Smartphones

The comments in the thread "BT747 on Android? Volunteer?" are most interesting. BT747 is a great app but I do not think porting it to Android is achievable. I just finished coding and Android app for an MTK CHIP GPS logger that has some of the BT747 functionality and found meeting the run time limits for the GUI a real challenge.

I published "MTK logger utility" to Google Play today - GNU GPL v3 licensed. Also posted the source files on GitHub. Works great with my Samsung Galaxy Note and Qstarz Q1000x logger. My app has 4 tabs:

Bild von supergreg

BT747 conversion to Android

hi, I managed to convert the BT_J2ME to Android using this tool:

The converted application now runs on my Samsung Galaxy Ace but it won't connect to my photomate 887 bluetooth GPS device (please see pics attached).

it takes some time to convert the application as the Netmite server is very slow. and you will have to install the netmite 'app runner' on your android device first. you don't need any other hacks though.

I would really like to know if other people tried this before and how it worked on their android phone?

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