This is a list of GPS Logger Devices that BT747 supports. In general, BT747 supports devices with a MTK/MTK II-Chipset.
Support for other Chipset types/loggers is added bit by bit.
And even if your GPS is not a logger, BT747 may support GPS Chipset configuration.
IMPORTANT: BT747 is updated with a CERTIFICATE to comply with JAVA 7 (1.7.0_51) security.
(I bought a trusted certificate (provided by a trusted authority) for about $300. Received it on Jan. 17, 2014.
Thank you (!) to the users that donated a bit (thanks!) to partially cover the cost of the certificate.
If every person using BT747 would donate $1 the cost would be covered in about two weeks (luckyly for you, I did not wait to cover the cost).
Installing the desktop version of BT747 for GPS control is fairly easy through the 'Java Web Start' system. This system works on Windows flavours, MacOS and Linux.
To download zip files follow this link.
On Ubuntu it is recommended to Install sun-java6 first
For easy installation (RECOMMENDED!), use one of these links:
Try the desktop version of BT747 or Install the desktop version of BT747
Try the development version, Install the current development version or keep it up to date automatically.
On recent machines or in case of trouble with the serial link: BT747 Latest using RxTx 2.2pre2 (RxTx dev version) for Windows 32 & 64 bit, MacOSX, Linux or Install the development version using RXTX2.2pre or Install the stable version using RXTX2.2pre
Dear All,
I've just bought a Qstarz BT-Q1300S, and I would be the happiest man in world if I could configure it (at least, get data) from my ubuntu. I've seen the Qstarz BT-Q1300 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) post, but I must acknowledge I'm not good enough in kernel compiling to perform this kind of tuning.
Have some of you already managed to use a Qstarz BT-Q1300S with BT747 on ubuntu ?
After some struggles I've gotten my Qstarz BT-Q1000X working on OS X Mountain Lion over USB. Here's what I did:
1) Install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers from
2) Reboot
3) Using Safari, install the latest desktop development version of BT747
It looks like Qstarz is going a similar way as Holux is: limiting device functionality for user friendlyness. This is not to the likings of some users of course, but to warn those, here is a list of limitations. If you find any other, or some incorrect statement, leave a comment.
That seems to be it, but as said, you can add comments to this post.